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What is iron oxide pigment?
release time:2022-05-23 11:51:42      The number of clicks:1590

Iron oxide pigment is a kind of pigment with good dispersibility, excellent light resistance and weather resistance. Iron oxide pigment mainly refers to iron oxide as basic material of iron oxide red, iron yellow, iron black and brown four kinds of pigments, which is given priority to with iron oxide red (about 50% of the iron oxide pigments), micaceous iron oxide used as antirust pigment, and used as a magnetic recording material of magnetic iron oxide also belongs to the category of iron oxide pigments. Iron oxide is second only to titanium dioxide inorganic pigment, is also the first color inorganic pigment. In the total consumption of iron oxide pigment, more than 70% is prepared by chemical synthesis method, known as synthetic iron oxide. Synthetic iron oxide as the synthesis of high purity, uniform particle size, and the chromatography is extensive, color more, inexpensive, non-toxic, have excellent coloring and application performance, has the properties such as absorb ultraviolet light, and therefore is widely used in building materials, coatings, plastics, electronics, tobacco, medicine, rubber, ceramics, paper, printing ink, magnetic materials, etc.

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